The mass immigration idea was originally dreamed up by the Blair government.

Import new tax-payers to help fund the public services of an ageing population.

Fair enough, on the face of it.

They didn't think it right through, and because there was a criminal lack of screening of those coming here, we imported not nett contributors, but nett beneficiaries, taking up low-paid, low skill work, and being given all sorts of social credits/benefits by the government to top up their wages.

Some of them work in the "cash" economy (ask a minicab driver for a receipt LOL), so pay very little or nothing back in to the treasury. Some were never interested in working at all, like far, far too many UK born nationals.

The housing problem is but one facet on this ticking bomb, because public services need taxpayer money to function, and we are approaching the time when there will be more taking out of the pot than putting in.

You can't keep leaching big business and millionaires with extortionate taxes, (Copyright the Labour Party) as they'll all bugger off elsewhere.

The word has gone out. It's Soft touch UK. That is why they're turning up on the beaches, and everything that our politicians and the bleeding hearts do just encourages more and more to come.

Tents in European cities, 4* hotels, food, pocket money here.

It's a complete Fcuk up, and will ultimately end in social disorder.

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Lest we also not forget Ray that it was the (in my view) disastrous Blair Government which ‘apparently’ absolutely disgracefully, openly bragged about wanting to intentionally bring about a mass immigration policy and multi-cultural society into Britain in order to purposefully rub it in the noses of the middle-England small ‘C’ conservatives and patriots of this country.

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Blair & Co also lied about WMD, dragged the UK into a foreign war we had no business with, fanning the flames of Islamic extremism, which spread further afield, igniting religious fervour, destabilisation and destruction elsewhere, creating refugees.

The west didn't learn the lesson from that, nor the experience of the ruthless Russian army, who were unceremoniously kicked out of Afghanistan.

Western leaders thought we were superior, so again, the UK followed the Americans into yet another foreign war.

Nett result of that action? Taliban now in power in Afghanistan, overworked funeral directors at Wootton Basset, and now, social housing, purely for Afghans, being built in England's shires, with Care4Calais waving the "refugees" towards the beach, after coaching them what to say to the authorities here, and how to get free legal aid upon arrival.

Yeah. Blair probably lit more than one blue touch paper.

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The Dutch report should be more widely advertised as it comprehensively does away with the last remaining excuse that the "smart people" have for mass immigration. Immigration may help boost national GDP via what seems like an accounting trick, but it makes GDP per capita worse. If 50% of households in the UK already take out more than they put in, how on earth can people think that low wage migrants are ever going to be net contributors? And how much are we borrowing each year in order to pay for those costs?

Think I remember reading immigration costs in the UK were estimated at around £10bn a year in the UK (2007 HoL report?) and recently saw an estimate for France that it cost them around 20bn Euros a year, so how much of our national debt is now directly due to mass immigration? Must be at least a double figures percentage, could be up to 25% if the French figure is comparable.

We should only be taking migrants from countries with comparable or compatible cultures and the international asylum system should be reorganised so that those seeking refuge either temporarily stay in similar nearby countries before returning or else can only settle in countries with similar cultures thus making assimilation and integration much easier. But instead the west seems desperate to continue with the lowest common denominator approach of mass immigration and multiculturalism.

Time is running out for those in charge to take charge of the problem or else soon it feels like things are going to start spiralling out of control.

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We have 20 years of mass immigration statistics, it didn’t deliver real growth, it delivered record public spending, benefits, housing shortages, especially social housing, crippled public services, extended working age and 70yr high tax to pay for our massive state spending. We need to radically change direction on who gets to live in U.K. high rate tax payers only would be my preference. Make refugees and asylum must seek that in first safe country our law.

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Yes, many thanks Patrick, excellent article that should have been published in a national newspaper a long while ago...now please could you write one about how we desperately need to dismantle the NHS and finally make way for a really competitive and competent health insurance based system in this country...it is nothing but criminal in my view, how many needless deaths there are in this country on the so-called ‘NHS Altar...’

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It’s outrageous. Any party actually offering to do something about this and, pace Clouston, receiving some media coverage would make big gains.

The media would go nuts…but if there’s one thing we ought to have learned from Cummings, it’s that in a case like this, that’s a good thing.

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Thank you Patrick, this is excellent.👏

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Thanks Rupert, I know a lot of people are happy to see an article about this subject which is often overlooked by media types. It's had the biggest response of any Substack article I have written so far.

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Nah, it's kike-generated!

They want no nations, no families, no races. Just individual imbeciles.

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